young girl sneezing

Allergy Related Dental Issues in Children: Understanding the Link

date: 01.05.2024


Dr. Lara Saleh

Lara Saleh, DDS, MS, is a board-certified, award-winning pediatric dentist and the Founder & Owner of Dr Toothfairy. Dr. Saleh is fluent in English, Arabic, and French. She is also the mother of two wonderful young children and loves helping them, and all of her young patients achieve lifelong oral health.

Allergies and Dental Issues

Allergies are a common health issue in children, affecting nearly one in every five individuals. While we often associate allergies with sneezing, runny noses, and itchy eyes, many parents may not realize that allergies can also impact a child’s oral health. This blog post will explore the link between allergies and dental issues in children and provide some tips on managing these challenges.

The Hidden Impact of Allergies on Oral Health

Allergies can cause a variety of symptoms that indirectly affect oral health. For example, nasal congestion caused by allergies often leads to mouth breathing, which can dry out the oral tissues, increase the risk of tooth decay, and contribute to gum disease.

Additionally, the medications used to manage allergy symptoms can also affect oral health. Antihistamines, a common treatment for allergies, can reduce saliva production, leading to dry mouth, bad breath, and a higher risk of cavities.

Some lesser-known impacts of allergies on dental health include changes in the mouth and face shape due to blocked sinuses, tooth pain, and sensitivity in the mouth.

Recognizing Allergy-Related Dental Problems

The first step in managing allergy-related dental problems in children is recognizing the signs. Look out for symptoms such as:

  • Dry mouth or lips
  • Frequent mouth breathing
  • Complaints of tooth pain
  • Changes in the shape of the mouth or face
  • Increased sensitivity in the mouth

If you observe any of these signs in your child, discuss them with your child’s pediatric dentist and pediatrician.

Managing Allergy-Related Dental Problems

Managing allergy-related dental problems in children involves a two-pronged approach: managing the allergies and taking steps to protect your child’s oral health.

When it comes to managing allergies, consider working with a pediatric allergist who can help identify triggers and recommend appropriate treatments.

In terms of protecting oral health, maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial. Encourage your child to brush their teeth twice a day and floss daily. Consider using fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash (or fluoride-free alternatives) to strengthen tooth enamel and protect against cavities.

Furthermore, make sure your child stays well-hydrated, especially if they are taking antihistamines. Drinking plenty of water can help counteract the drying effects of these medications.

Ask Dr Toothfairy

While allergies can pose challenges to a child’s oral health, understanding the link between the two can help parents take proactive steps to protect their children’s teeth and gums. Regular dental check-ups, good oral hygiene habits, and effective allergy management can all contribute to maintaining a healthy smile, even during allergy season. Remember, if you have any concerns about your child’s oral health or suspect that allergies may be causing dental problems, don’t hesitate to ask Dr. Lara at your child’s next Dr Toothfairy appointment.  Ready to schedule a first dental visit, or your child’s next appointment?  Book Online, it’s quick and easy!

Need A Dentist Appointment For Your Child?

Time for your child's first dental visit?  Looking for a new pediatric dentist in Falls Church, VA for your Children? Request an appointment with Dr. Toothfairy.

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